SciTS Conference 2013

Abstract Submission
Abstract submissions are now closed!
The Fourth Annual International Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference will be held June 24-27, 2013 in Evanston, IL at Northwestern University on the shores of Lake Michigan. The SciTS Conference is designed to bridge the science and praxis of scientific collaboration.
Special Call for Rapid Communication Poster Abstract Submissions
The SciTS conference planning committee is pleased to invite a new and innovative form of Rapid Communication Poster abstract submissions for review. Accepted abstracts will appear during the Research Poster Session on the evening of June 24. The Rapid Communication Poster submission allows authors the opportunity to present late-breaking and/or newly emerging findings or approaches in the field of team science that may have emerged after the deadline for submission of research abstracts.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Rapid Communication Poster Presentations The 90-minute special session on Rapid Communication Poster Presentations will provide late-breaking findings in poster format during the regularly scheduled Research Poster Session. This joint session provides an interactive forum for authors to discuss their research.
- Posters should be no larger than 4 ft wide x 3 ft high.
- The Research Poster Session is Monday, June 24, 5:00-6:30 PM, and will run concurrent with a reception.
- Poster set-up will begin at 3:00 PM that same day.
- Presenters will be assigned a location to put up each poster, and posters will be organized by Topic.
- Poster boards and push pins will be available, and posters should be attached to the boards for display.
- Presenters are encouraged to bring 1-page double-sided handouts of their poster presentations.
Submission Options
- Authors must submit abstracts as “Poster Only”.
Abstract Content and Format
- Poster abstracts are limited to one page. All abstracts must be formatted with 0.75 inch margins all around; 11-pt font size or larger for narrative text, 10-pt font size or larger for table and figure legends; using one of the following serif font styles: Times New Roman, Georgia, Helvetica, or Times. Refer to the template below.
- The following information must be included in the abstract: Presentation title; Author(s) name, degree, and institutional affiliation; SciTS Topic; Keywords; and Narrative text, which may also include tables and/or figures. Refer to the template at last page of the submission guidelines.
- Please read the following guidelines and instructions for submitting abstracts at ( All abstracts must be submitted online at
- Paper abstracts must be submitted as a one-page PDF file. Word files and submissions not meeting page requirements will be rejected. Use the following naming convention for the file name: CorAuthorLastName_First Name_Topic.pdf (example Smith_James_Teams.pdf)
- Presenting authors are responsible for their own registration fee(s), travel, and housing costs.
- Presenters who are unable to attend should arrange for another qualified individual to present the poster. If changes to the presentation are necessary, please notify the Conference Manager, Latonia Trimuel at [email protected] or 847-467-0207.
- Acceptance notifications will be made no later than Friday, May 24, 2013.
- Abstracts will be compiled into a booklet for Conference attendees and posted on the Conference web site
SciTS Topics Topics related to the study of team science include, but are not limited to:
- Case Studies/Best Practices
- Communication Processes
- Cross-Cultural and International Team Science
- Disciplinary Discourse
- Distributed/Virtual Teams
- Environmental influences on teamwork
- Evaluation of Team Processes & Outcomes
- Funding Strategies
- Institutional Policies
- Leadership for Effective Team Science
- Learning & Knowledge Network
- Methodologies for Team Science Research
- Multi-level/systems approaches
- Multiteam Systems
- Networks
- Open Data
- Organization/Management
- Team Assembly
- Team Dynamics/Composition
- Team Macro Cognition
- Team Science Types/Typology
- Theory Development/Application
- Training & Professional Development
- Transdisciplinary, translational innovation
- Visualizations
Contact Information