INSciTS Education & Training SIG to meet December 2

The INSciTS Board have kindly extended the services of the external administration team to help our SIG. We are very grateful for this talented team who will be sending SIG announcements, meeting reminders, and calendar invites going forward. The Admin team and the Co-chairs will be working together to transition calendar invites to the Admin team. Be on the lookout for cancellations and new meeting invites over the next couple of months as we make this transition.

Welcome to those joining us for the first time! Below is some information to acquaint you to our SIG.

The INSciTS Education and Training SIG membership is a mix of academics, professional services staff, practitioners and consultants in the area of team science training. We host online meetings for our SIG members every other month, where we invite speakers or run workshops. Details of our next meeting are below, when we are thrilled to welcome Dr. Linda de Greef from the University of Amsterdam.

In addition to the whole-SIG meetings, we have four working groups who meet regularly and work collaboratively. Please complete the survey at this link in order to join one or more of them:

  • Broadening Competencies (who have recently published their work)
  • Leveraging Failure (newly formed)
  • Assessment and Evaluation (needs co-leads)
  • And our new working group on training resources which is in collaboration with the ITD Toolkits and Methods working group and the ACTS Team Science Professionals Special Interest Group

We host meetings every other month where we invite speakers or run workshops, and usually we get around 30+ members attending. The agenda for speaker meetings usually starts with a brief 5-7 minutes of welcomes, 30 minutes of presentation followed by Q&A and open discussion. The meetings are held over Zoom (I will forward the calendar invite to you shortly), we would be happy to help you share screen for your slides and manage the chat for the Q&A. 

Monday, December 2, 2025:
12:00 PM EST / 17:00 GMT / 18:00 CET



Learning together: Enhancing teamwork through inter- and transdisciplinary education,
Presented by Linda de Greef, of the University of Amsterdam

Explore how the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands is advancing teamwork and collaboration skills through innovative educational practices. This talk, presented by Linda de Greef -  Innovation Lead from the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, delves into transdisciplinary education formats that bring together students, educators, and external partners to address complex, real-world challenges. Key topics include defining relevant learning outcomes, designing authentic learning activities, and implementing assessment strategies for teamwork. Using practical examples and insights, this session highlights how co-learning can transform education. 
Linda de Greef is innovation lead at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She is an experienced advisor and administrator within higher scientific education. She is specialized in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary learning and teaching, vision and strategy development, innovation and development, and the professional development of interdisciplinary teaching skills.
Sawsan, Angela, and Alison
Co-chairs, INSciTS Education and Training SIG
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