Now Accepting Poster, Oral, and Panel Presentation Abstracts for the SciTS 2025 Conference!
The call for poster, oral, and panel presentation abstracts for the 2025 SciTS Conference is now open! The 2025 SciTS Conference will be hosted by the US Food & Drug Administration White Oak Campus in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, from July 28 - July 30, 2025.
The SciTS Annual Conference is the flagship event of the International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS). It continues to be the premier annual gathering of scholars, practitioners, and providers in the field of Team Science, bringing together a broad range of disciplines to share and advance the latest evidence-based methods in team collaboration and transdisciplinary science. Speakers and attendees will include investigators, administrators, students, funders, and policymakers. Our community includes academia, government, industry, and many other sectors, and spans a multitude of knowledge domain spaces. Anyone interested in improving collaborative research and discovery is welcome!
The abstract categories for this year have changed, and are as follows:
- Education and Training of Teams
- Team Incubation and Acceleration
- Scientometrics, Data Analysis, and Indicators
- Team Science in Academia
- Professional Development and Developing the Integration Specialist Profession
- Multicultural Collaborations/Interactions
- Team Science and Industry
- Team Evaluation
Special consideration will be given to submissions that explore innovative approaches and push the boundaries of traditional team science practices in keeping with the conference theme: Team Science: The Next Generation of Researchers and Practitioners.
Instructions to submit an abstract:
- All abstracts must be submitted through the online submission portal. The final deadline for oral, panel, and poster presentations February 28, 2025.
- Please specify if you want the submission to be considered as:
- Oral or Poster Presentation
- Poster Presentation Only
- Panel Presentation Only
- The following information must be included for all abstracts:
- 500-words for poster or oral presentation abstracts
- 750-words for panel presentation abstracts
- 500-words for a brief summary of the panel
- 250-words for panelists bio and expertise
- Presentation/panel title
- Speaker Name(s), email(s), and affiliation(s)
- All author(s) identifying information, including names, degrees, and institutional affiliations
- Abstract text
- SciTS topic (these can be found on the submission website)
- 3 to 5 keywords
The deadline for poster, oral, and panel presentation submissions is February 28, 2025.
If you have any questions about submission or if you encounter any errors, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.
Thank you,
Gaetano Lotrecchiano, EdD, PhD, 2025 SciTS Conference Chair
Kevin Bugin, PhD, 2025 SciTS Program Chair