Call for Chapters: Preparing Students in Higher Education for Creative Collaboration in Virtual Teams

I invite you to submit a chapter proposal for Preparing Students in Higher Education for Creative Collaboration in Virtual Teams, to be published by IGI Global Publishing ( This edited book will have two major aims:
  1. To nurture college students' professional development by enhancing their creativity while working in virtual teams, and;
  2. To provide faculty with relevant knowledge, expertise, and case examples to assist them in designing and implementing effective virtual team learning experiences in their courses.

Visit the site at for detailed information on the purpose of the book, the recommended topics for chapter proposals, and how to submit your chapter proposal.

Chapter proposals can take on one of three forms:

  1. Chapters that describe original research on virtual teams in higher education;
  2. Chapters that provide conceptual and theoretical development on relevant issues, and;
  3. Chapters that describe original case studies and/or hands-on learning experiences of virtual teams in higher education.

Chapter proposals should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words and clearly explain the mission and concerns of your proposed chapter. Proposals should be submitted on or before November 16, 2024! Authors will be notified by November 30, 2024 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. 

I look forward to receiving your chapter proposals!

All the very best,
Jill Nemiro, PhD
Professor of Organizational Psychology, Cal Poly Pomona
[email protected]

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