An Opportunity for an Inventory of Training Resources

We are excited to announce an extraordinary opportunity to join and/or co-lead a new working group that will shape the future of the fields of team science, clinical & translational science, and inter- and transdisciplinarity. This working group will, for the first time, bring together members from three key team science professional societies: the International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS), the Association for Clinical & Translational Science (ACTS), and the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD Alliance). More specifically, this initiative is being spearheaded by the INSciTS Education & Training SIG, the ACTS Team Science Professionals SIG, and the ITD Alliance Toolkits & Methods Working Group.

To express interest and get a Zoom link for our October 7th informational meeting, please complete this brief form by October 4th, 2024.

This working group will embark on the critical task of curating an inventory of team science training resources, and will be coordinated by the INSciTS Education & Training SIG. Ultimately, the inventory will build upon the foundational work of the ITD Alliance’s Toolkits & Methods Working Group, which developed a large Inventory of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolkits. This working group will expand the ITD toolkit inventory, and develop a repository of trainings for the ACTS Team Science Professionals Digital Badge Initiative, the first effort to develop credentials in team science.

Why is this inventory expansion critical?
There is a growing recognition of the importance of evidence-based/-informed trainings and interventions to support successful cross-disciplinary and team-based research. We are at a critical moment in the maturation of our field as we see a need for accessible, high-quality training resources that can equip researchers, practitioners, and facilitators of team science, as well as the institutions that support them, with the tools to foster effective boundary-spanning collaboration. This inventory will serve as a centralized, go-to resource for anyone looking to enhance their team science knowledge, skills, and practices, enabling high-impact collaborative research across disciplines. By building on existing resources and creating new pathways to education, we aim to support team science professionals in their career development and ultimately improve the way scientific teams work together. We also recognize that team science is one form of inter- and transdisciplinary research, and so we seek to collaborate with our global ITD colleagues instead of re-inventing an inventory. Together we can enhance the quality and legitimacy of all forms of ITD scholarship.
What is expected of the co-lead(s)?
We are seeking leaders who are passionate about advancing the fields of team science and inter- and transdisciplinarity, have a collaborative mindset, and can leverage and build on the momentum established by the aforementioned groups. As a co-lead, you will have the unique opportunity to guide this important project in identifying, cataloging, and curating the best team science training toolkits, and contributing to a resource that will directly advance team science and inter- and transdisciplinarity as fields. We envisage that the working group might need two or possibly three co-leads, and a membership of around 10-12 enthusiastic colleagues.
To learn more about this opportunity, please complete this brief form and attend the upcoming INSciTS Education & Training SIG online meeting on Monday, October 7th at noon ET, where you will learn more about both the SIG and this working group initiative.
For more information, please contact Patrick Kelly ([email protected]).
Thank you for your consideration!
Best regards,  
Bethany Laursen (ITD Alliance’s Toolkits & Methods Working Group),
Kristine Glauber and Patrick William Kelly (ACTS Team Science Professionals SIG),
and Sawsan Khuri (INSciTS Education and Training SIG)
Endorsed by:
Gabriele Bammer
President, Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD Alliance)
Allan Brasier
President, Association for Clinical and Translational Science
Wayne McCormack
President, International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS)


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